NH Community Behavioral Health Association
Representing community-based mental health centers across New Hampshire
Join us for the annual Lite up the Nite for Mental Health Run/walk 5k in Manchester on Thursday, June 17th and support efforts to keep mental illness out of the dark! Register yourself or put a team together and participate with friends or family!
Your participation in this event will support the work of The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester in promoting mental wellness and providing services for children, teens and adults in need.
The event will offer a rolling wave start. Runners will be seeded into starting waves based on their self-times. Waves will be divided into separate corralled areas providing enough space for runners to stay socially distanced within their wave area while they wait for the race to start. Personal wave start times will be emailed on Thursday, June 10th. Participants will be directed to the start/finish line by staff and will be sent off one-by-one, 15 seconds apart. There will be no congregating at the start/finish line area.
Click here to head over to Total Image Running to get all the info to register!